Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Looking to score some pot... luck!

It's the last Tuesday of the month, which means office Pot Luck time! YAY! This blog started with an expose on the office potluck. Things have only gotten better. December's pot-luck wasn't a paht luque. We ordered in. This month... we did it again!

Image hosting by PhotobucketI really think the pot-luck is on the way out. I couldn't be any happier to see this tradition die -- the only thing I hate more is old people. It never really was much of a pot-luck, but the crackheads fought tooth-and-nail to keep it. This month a boycotted but got scammed.

I was gonna make a big political statement by packing my own very delicious tuna lunch. I had it all planned out. While everyone else feasted on 3 week-old pickings from the fridge, I'd say, "No thanks. I'd rather just eat my own lunch. It's much healthier for me." They would quickly see through my "health" facade and the digust in their faces would be unavoidable. "Why can't Brian just play along?" "Why does Brian hate us so much?" "You know, Brian's got a point. He is looking god damn sexy these days. Do you think he'd do me?"

But I was foiled. Boss lady decided that the office would treat. Which you know is trouble because she's way cheap. No deliciously exotic chinese from Chinatown for us. No, we got some jumble of stuff that was picked up at the grocery store last night.

Maybe I'll save the tuna I packed and "contribute" it to next month's PL!

PS: Remember the flat soda I mentioned in November. The soda tasted bad this month, so I check the expiration date. The soda served expired over 8 months ago! Anything to save a buck, I guess.

NOTE: Anyone know how to actually spell "pot luck"?

Ooh, ANOTHER NOTE: Why can't I just appreciate the nice gesture? Because I'm an ass sometimes.

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