Thursday, February 23, 2006

Intelligent Design Goes Bi!

Image hosting by PhotobucketI don't know if people consider the gulf coast "bi-eligible", but if it counts, then call me bi -- bi-coastal!

Reporting live from Mardi Gras. I haven't seen any titties yet, but I have really only spent the day on the sofa of my brother's friends, Gary and Shelly. Shelly's only had a few glasses of wine, so she's not really "bead hungry" if you know what I mean?

Tomorrow's the big day. Hopefully mmy infection will be gone. If not, the near-lethal dose of alcohol I'll be administering begining around 9:00 AM should kill it all.

Does the West Coast miss me...


Rick Andreoli said...

I have this theory that viruses live on the same stuff that their human hosts live on, so if you drink yourself silly then you actually rob the virus of nutrients, thus healing yourself. At least that was the theory in college. Go out, investigate, report back on how that works out for you.

Anonymous said...

I didn't even know you were gone. J/K