Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Dear Too-Lonely-To-Conceive

I give really good advice. No, freakishly good advice. More people should take it. I don't know why I'm so good at it. I like to really unveil all sides to a story. Oh, and I love to butt in. And I need to know everything that's going on in other people's lives. That's definately required of a good advice-giver.

So, people should send me email to davis.brianj(at)gmail(dot)com. All queries will remain anonymous I promise. Then I'll post my responses on the blog.

Or, if no one asks for help, I'll just make stuff up. Which should be even more of a reason to write, because if you are as crazy and f-cked up as we know you are, no one will think your question is real. They'll just think I'm whacked. It's really perfect. Really.

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