Thursday, February 16, 2006

Kisses to Gov. Vilsack

While violating along held blogging standard of not bloggin' about Iowa twice, I felt this was necessary reading for everyone! (PS: Amy is from Iowa for those of you on the outs.)

Britney Spears has been thrown in to the culture war. (Special prize for anyone who sends me a photos of Britney a) in fatigues, b) being fed to ravenous alligators or c) being sober and smart.) Iowa Governor Tom "Look How Hip I Am" Vilsack (must avoid obvious ballsack pun... oops... too late) defended his pro-civil unions position by lampooning the Britsters quickie Vegas nuptials.

Gov. Tom Vilsack, expressing support for civil unions for committed gay couples, drew a pointed contrast Tuesday with the quickie marriage of pop star Britney Spears two years ago. "I do think that we as a state ought to honor commitments, and we ought to reflect that in policies that we have," Vilsack said. "I personally don't think that it is fair . . . for Britney Spears, who was married for 51 hours to some guy in Las Vegas (for) that guy (to have) more rights than someone who's been committed to another person for 25 years."

It's about time someone started being honest. Vilsack ain't no ACT-UPper, but he clearly can form a coherent thought. How can a country with 50% divorce rates, a party in which most leadership is on their second or third marriage, a president who'd rather choke to death on a pretzel watching TV alone than spend time with his wife, how can these people call same-sex marriage or civil unions or domestic partnerships an attack on the "sanctity of marriage."

PSII: Remember when the Episcopalians got all uppity with their new gay marriage that they started destroying the 500 year old denomination? Well, where's the irony in the fact that all those Episcopalians would be Catholics had they not started their own church BASED ON A DIVORCE!

Thanks Queerty for the heads up!

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