Monday, April 03, 2006

Too Hip to Sip... Chug-a-lug Chug-a-lug

Last week I told you how uncool I was. Turns out that I was wrong. I am way cool. Like, spawning with an Academy Award-winning Actress cool.

I was scanning the blogs today and was enticed to learn more about Ryan Phillippe's exercise regimine. Strictly in the name of science, I tell you. I am very concerned with the health and fitness of other. This blog clearly demonstrates that.

In my investigation, I uncovered evidence of how truly cool I am! Exhaustive research proves that Ryan Phillippee and I wear the same gym shorts. $16 at Old Navy. I can practically feel Reese Witherspoon's nails digging into my back.

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NOTE: Remember the espisode of the Cosby Show when Vanessa got tanked playing a drinking game, and rather than beat her senseless like our parents would have done, Cliff, Clair and Rudy pretended to play the same game later in the day. Yeah, childhood alcoholism is always funny! Why would Vanessa care that Rudy was boozing it up? Nevermind. The drinking game was: Chug-A-Lug.

Every now and then, typically during staff meetings and church, "Chug-A-Lug, Chug-A-Lug" -- the theme song from the game -- pops into my head.


Anonymous said...

HOT. Interesting choice with the $16.00 shorts. Kind of makes me like him more.

Anonymous said...

Bri,Wouldn't rather his nails digging into ya body, than hers?????

Brian said...

Who are you my anonymous stalker who is right in so many ways?