Monday, March 12, 2007

Will you please...

...leave the crappy girl scout cookies at home?

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Someone at work thinks they are doing a good deed by bringing in 12 -- count 'em, 12 -- boxes of crappy Girl Scout Cookies. Not a Thin Mint or Samoa among them. Please, keep your Trefoils and All-Abouts and Cafe Cookies at home. If I'm gonna waste calories on Girl Scout cookies, I want them to be good.

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AMY said...

Um awesome. So do you want the Lemonades or Cartwheels that are under my desk?

d-town said...

hold on now, holmes, the shortbread/trefoils are my favorite!!! i can eat a whole sleeve of those things if i don't watch myself. which is why i don't buy girl scout cookies ... someone invariably leaves them around and *poof* ... they disappear!