Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Marriage Day

Before I begin, please watch this video. I think it's really important.

Today's is my parents' 36th wedding anniversary. On this day, 36 years ago, two relatively devout Catholic officially began practicing for an important feat, which would culminate around New Years in 1978.

I am proud of my parents. Watching them for nearly three decades, I've seen first hand that marriage isn't alway easy. Occasionally you get sick of each other. Occasionally your sons put a massive whole in the wall the day the house goes on the market. Occasionally your youngest son is a homosexual. Did I mention that my brothers basically broke the house?

Maybe one day I can try to live up to the beautiful model my parents created for me. I hope that I will one day be as good as husband as my father has been. One day, maybe I'll be able to as supportive of a spouse -- although admittedly less naggy -- as my mother.

I promise to work hard on my end to find the right guy. What I need from you dear reader, is to make sure the government doesn't fuck it up for me. Now I know not all of you are the most liberal people on the block. (Well, okay Shelley, I've seen your block. You probably are the most liberal there.) But think about all this crap about same-sex marriage and think of how stupid it is that this is even an issue. Constituional bans. Defense of Marriage Acts. STUPID!

You know why it's stupid. This is why. When I called my folks to wish them a happy 36th, I couldn't speak with my mom. She was out buying a baby gift for a family friend. A year ago, this friend had left her husband, a raging conservative from a "good Chrisitian" home. It seems that he was a little abusive with her and had a drug problem -- hooked on Hillbilly Heroin after an injury. I got to hear all about how difficult this was for her. Especially since it was her second husband. A year later, she's spawning again with the same husband.

If she can make decisions this stupid, I should be able to as well, right?


anna said...

thanks for sharing the vid. even in houston i am surrounded by liberal minded people...but just a few miles up the road that all changes. i thought there was seperation of church and state...so why do politicians keep bringing up the bible for their defense?

Damian said...

I got flashbacks of meeting with
Blair's dad before I proposed... he's the greatest guy around, but it was still one of the most stressful things I've ever done.

After I'd done my whole song and dance and showed him the ring, he said "Well, as far as the family's concerned, there's a problem."


Ben: I mean, there's *no* problem.

Me: (collapses)

Anonymous said...

thanks bri. that video was great. had no idea where it was headed at first and started dancing to the song. but im blonde. EGH. Meow.