Tuesday, August 29, 2006

They call me "Little Miss Sunshine"

If you read this blog regularly, you know they don't call me "Little Miss Sunshine." This blog is full of all my ugliness, but mostly so that the real me maintains a facade of contentment.

I really am a happy guy. You should see me at 6:30 AM on Saturdays at the start of a new scuba class. You can't hide your real feelings at 6:30 AM on Saturdays, therefore, I must really, actually, be a happy fellow. And I have a lot to be happy about.

I live in a really great house near the beach. I have the coolest hobby in the world. My friends kick total ass. Even in his absence, the gentleman friend is a real rock star. (Although he is keeping me on my emmotional toes.) Oh, and my family would totally kick yours to the curb. My neices and nephews are just about the 6 greatest kids in the world -- amazing sicne they are half my brothers'.

A few months ago I wrote about expectations -- family expectations. That post was probably one of the most real I've ever written. But it all came full circle this weekend when I saw Little Miss Sunshine.

If you haven't seen it yet, don't blame me for spoiling it. The trailer doesn't do this film justice. You can't tell from the trailer that this moderately dark comedy is full of the funniest moments I've ever seen in film, all which deliver just about the most beautiful, heartfelt lesson in what really matters in life.

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"Let Olive be Olive."

This little girl has taught me more about life -- in just under 200 minutes -- than the Church, 12 years of public education and 4 years of an EXPENSIVE private university, 13 years working, and countless "friends" have.

In the end, what's really important? I think whatever makes you smile. No matter how small. Is it that revolting video you found on YouTube that inspire a hate-filled phone call from your brother? Is it the total insanity of your co-workers? Is it finally finding that special someone in a weird time and place?

Whatever it is, just let Olive be Olive. Just be.


Anonymous said...

Brian, I'm horribly embarrassed and humiliated that I posted these absurd fictional characters in an effort to both hurt you and exorcize my feelings for you.

It didn't work. Hopefully you'll read this and take pity on me and my obsession for you. I'm not normally like this. I'm very sorry for being so obsessive, needy, and creepy.

Love, Elena

Anonymous said...

Hey Brian,

If this movie made you think about what matters to you in life, then I also recommend seeing this movie called QuinceaƱera. It received tons of praise at film festivals and was the Showcase film at this year's LA Film Festival.

To this day, it is by for the BEST, BEST movie that I've ever seen. It made me cry, it made me laugh, it made me think of life and how stupid people can be - and the how stupid people let society decide what others will think of them.

here's a link of placecs it is playing. http://www.imdb.com/showtimes/location/burbank,ca/50m/tt0451176

Hope you get a chance to see it. If you do, let me know what you think.
