Wednesday, August 09, 2006

National Underwear Day

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I was debating whether or not to do a post about this today. It's seems a little scandalous for my friendly little blog, but since the politics have been light recently, I might as well go with some flesh.

Also, I'm a little giddy over the spanking handed to Joe Lieberman yesterday. I wish the little twit would just slink away and cry, but it'll be fun to beat him twice.

Finally, apparently there are some who seem to think my blog reaks of the stench of depression lately. Clearly the sis-in-law didn't read this before ratting me out to mom. If near-nakedness in man-panties says anything, it's not depression.

According to Freshpair today is National Underwear Day. Clearly one of your more important national holiday. I can't quite figure out how I'm supposed to celebrate but I figured these pictures were a nice start.

Ironically, I was paying much closer attention to my own underwear today. When getting dressed I noticed that I appeared to be out of boxer briefs again. I swear I used to be able to go three weeks without running out. These days, I can barely can go a week. I'm too busy to do laundry all that often, but fortunately I've lost some weight these days and some briefs I've had are a little more comfortable than they used to be. Really, though, I need some new underwear. Maybe I'll check out Freshpair.

On another tangent, word from the gentleman friend is that he's slimming down and toning up on his adventure, putting pressure on me to finally do something about the flab. Damn, this going to the gym and actually working out thing sucks!

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PS: This last photo, it's funny, right? You're laughing, too?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you would question posting this. I mean, the pictures alone make it worthwhile.

As for Joe, I think he's going to look more crazy by the end of his independent run. Desperate people always make for some good entertainment with their antics.