Monday, July 10, 2006

An Unfortunate Absence

It's been a little while since I've blogged regularly. I'd apologize and try to come up with some excuse, but really, I already give you so much and you give me so little in return. So you'll just need to learn to accept that you, my friend(s), are not my single greatest priority.

My reason are good. I promise. A little teaser: I met a boy. He is wonderful and kept me occupied for the past 2 months. He's kind of gone now -- in the gay navy for 6 months -- and I will probably blog more and be at work on time more.

I'm also in Aruba right now. Ain't technology great.

This little Caribbean vacay is giving me lots of stuff to right about. For example, tonight we are going to Texas de Brazil for dinner. It's a Brazilian Churracaria, or as I like to call it, Meat Sizzler.

The idea is good and I am sure in Brazil, they do it up right. Delicious meats slowly cooked to perfection on a skewer and served quickly. There's a place at the Farmers Market on 3rd that does it right. You buy the plate of food.

These places -- like the one I'm going to tonight -- are the bastardized American version where we eat ourselves into a food coma. I hate watching fat people eat. That's why avoid Sizzler. This is worse because its expensive and therefore people feel like they need to "get their money's worth."

I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I avoid places like the Sizzler also. Buffets are the gateway to obesity.