Monday, July 31, 2006

A Smile from My Past

Like any person trapped in unsatisfying office jobs for the better part of this millennium, I am enrolled in the major social-networking sites. It all started with Friendster a few years ago (I signed up in June 2003). Last year, I gave in and signed up for MySpace and have been shocked out how interesting the MS community can be.

Granted, I think these sites are best for stalking learning about new friends. I'll confess to going home after meeting the gentleman friend and doing a quick "background" check. Single, check. Employed, check. College educated, check. Naked photos... dang!

Any time any "real life" friends go on a date, typically a link to their beau's MySpace preceeds any details about the actual date. It's great. I get photos, movie and music preferences. A little peek deep into their soul without the boring details of what appetizer they ordered.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingToday, I was greeted with an email from my kindly Friendster administrator letting me know I had gotten a "smile" -- their version of virtual flirting. Naturally, my interest was piqued because not only did I have no idea who would be sending me the smile, but because I thought Friendster had become a little passe.

The message was from a fellow Westsider. The fun part -- I know this guy. I've met him lots of times through a mutual friend. I've known him for years... and really did not like him. He seems vain, shallow, and indifferent to the world around him. He's one of those guys who won't bother to remember your name but can recall the "labels" of every part of your wardrobe. (The fact that I just referred to clothing as "part" and that most of my labels are simply "Gap," "Old Navy," or Target's beloved "Mossimo" should tell you how well we hit it off.)

I haven't seen this guy since I lost over 30 pounds. I haven't been out with that crowd in some time. Lord knows what's going on in his world. But I imagine that he doesn't recognize me at all. Why the sudden interest? Who knows? (Maybe the 30 pounds?)

But I promise the gentleman friend has nothing to worry about on this front. My life already has enough shallow, vapid people in it. One. And he's sitting at my computer typing this blog entry right now.

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