Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Pink State America... or... Homos in the Heartland?

We've all seen Brokeback Mountain by now. We can all appreciate the heartache of a woman destroyed by her lover's lies. Gay men who are forced by society into relationships with women can forever cripple a woman's ability to love, to be vulnerable, to wear a great blonde flip.

Yet, the ladies keep forcing their men into sodomy, training them like monkeys to take the banana. Today's news comes from Kansas State University. It may be the home to Dorothy, but Kansas is also the base of operations for the Intelligent Design (YAY!) movement, former Presidential nominee Bob Dole, and the mighty Rev. Fred Phelps. So what explains the 5th Annual Moore Hall Drag Queen Contest at Kansas State?

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If you read the article, clearly its the ladies' fault. They are pushing their frat boys into fishnets and high heels. And it's not a pretty sight!

Jessica Creel, sophomore in pre-professional business administration, and Maggie Fisher, freshman in journalism and mass communications, helped Harriss with his hair, make-up and dress. They said they pushed Harris to perform in the drag queen contest.

And for what did these men reduce themselves to Heroin-chic hookers? Only the holy grail among drag queens: a $50 shopping spree to Wal-Mart!

I so don't get Red State America.

1 comment:

Damian said...

You mean... that's a man?

He was so convincing.

BTW, now that the comments are not moderated I have to fill in the "not a real word" box. I prefer moderating! (Yes, I am a flip-flopper.)

BTW PS: My word was "bauritxn." If that were a license plate, I'd guess "Boring Texan" or "BA Baracas, you are exiting!"