Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A Modern Anti-Reformation

My friend Damian shared this little gem with me. (So, I get my religion updates from a man named Damian, do you want to fight about it?)

From our Gmail Talk conversation (you haven't tried it yet?):
Damian: Slate had an interesting article on Protestants celebrating lent. They steal all the fun.
Me: They celebrate lent? When worshiping the devil? That seems strange to me.

I probably shouldn't care what the pagans do in their "churches", but stealing the dirt off our foreheads seems a step too far! They didn't fight the crusades! They didn't lead the inquisition! They didn't ignore the Holocaust! They didn't piddle all those little boys!

We stole our traditions from the Jews fair and square. If the "reformers" want to get in on our action, let's see their ministers go "celibate"! I didn't think so.

This reminds me of a conversation with an evangelical co-worker several years ago.
Defender of the Faith: Lance Bass is sooooo gay!
Crazy Nut Evangelical: He's not gay, Brian. He can't be. He's a good Christian. I read about it at church.
Defender of the Faith: They ain't mutually exclusive. I'm a gay. And Chrisitan.
Crazy Nut Evangelical: Well, you're Catholic. He can't be gay.

So, you guys can own the Christian title. (Catholic is more prestigious, what with all the gowns, and jewelry and fabulous art.) And we keep the fishsticks. Deal?

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