Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI'm being stalked by a book I'm reading. On my commute, I finally started reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, which came highly recommended.

The story teller repeatedly refers to his math skills and interest in math as "maths." Maybe it's an English term I don't recognize. A friend posted a survey on MySpace today and he answered a question:

28. What's something you wish you could understand better? maths

Crazy, right? The word is introduced to me this morning and I see it used twice in two different contexts within hours.

There's also a character in the book named "Siobhan." Today, at work, I got an email -- not spam, but real business related email -- from a "Siobhan Waldron." That's the first email I've ever gotten from Siobhan.

I'm being stalked by my book.

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