Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tax Season

Thank god I am waiting until the last minute to file my taxes, or else I'd have missed this opportunity:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Don't forget, the tax deadline is rapidly approaching. (Even though we get some extra time this year.) Also, don't forget to wish Katrina a "Happy Birthday," the second easiest birthday-of-a-friend to remember. (The Mexican born on Cinco de Mayo being the first.) Happy Birthday Katrina!

Thank you (anonymous friend) for the Craigslist link. See people, I wasn't the one trolling... this time.


Amy Witry said...

I guess the birthday of Jesus is hard to remember. Sin on gay heathen sin on!

Rick Andreoli said...

Did you take this dude up on his offer? I REALLY want to know.