Monday, February 26, 2007

10 Things I'm Thinking on Monday

1. Lent sucks. All that introspection can really bring a man down. Like getting ready to die... on a cross... for the crap that someone else did... Lent sucks.

2. I'm actually trying to focus my mind during the season and I'm seeing rewards. There are people -- a specific person -- I haven't been talking to much for more than a month now and it haunts me every day. I love him, admire him, and hope to be like him one day and it's tearing me up to be so weak and think I could write him off. I had the smallest little text exchange this morning and things seem to be getting back to normal. Slowly. That's good.

3. My roommate Ben moved out last night. We decided to keep it just the three of us since we've had a hard time with keeping roommates. We don't think Ben is leaving because he doesn't like us. He's in love with an amazing lady. He moved to Chicago. Hopefully he's chasing her and not running from us. If he's running from us, he better know he can't get away. I saw his room this morning -- he left in the middle of the night for his 2,000 mile drive -- and was a little choked up seeing it empty.

4. I want Al Gore to run for President. I will quit my job and work on his campaign.

5. Ted, if you are reading this, my Blog is not a party game. It's a documentation of my most serious, personal thoughts. (I'm kidding of course. Take a shot every time I use sarcasm to transition the dialog to gummi bears.)

6. Gummi Bears make the world go round.

7. I want to go to Boston again.

8. Everything I thought I wanted 2 weeks ago was tossed up in the air recently. Yesterday, I did some easy diving with students -- advanced, less concered for their life -- and got into my head. I'm figuring things out. Nothing is easy.

9. A 72 year-old gay man was beaten to death in Detroit last week. He didn't do anything to deserve this. He existed. That's it. We live in a nation that will talk for hours on end today and tomorrow how an injustice has finally been rectified: Martin Scorsese finally won an Oscar. But I bet no one will find time in the national news cycle to talk about the injustice done to Andrew Anthos of Detroit.

10. Damn, it's only Monday. At 10:30.

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