Thursday, October 19, 2006

Good Morning, Captain Douchebag

So, John McCain supports gay marriage? Oh, no. He goes on to say that, ""I think private ceremonies are fine. I do not think gay marriage should be legal."

Well, I think John McCain could be innaugrated President. I mean, like a little ceremony and all. Certainly, it shouldn't be legal because this man is a moralless pussy.

What's worse, an arch-conservative, bigot looking out only for the wealthiest in the country, or the spineless "moderate", former POW who is called a traitor and who's multi-racial family is mocked but who then goes on to campaign for the re-election of the bigot who attacked him? John McCain -- wow -- he sure likes to... um... FLIP FLOP!

As Andy Towle, of Towleroad, says: "And blacks can sit in the front of the bus, just as long as it's the back and they're pretending it's the front."

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