Amen Tina Fey! I ended up voting for Hillary in the Democratic Primary. Despite how Daily Kos wants to act like Hillary can't win shit -- except, you know, California, New York and Masschusetts -- I was proud to cast my vote for the winner of the California Primary. You well know I started out a John Edwards man. Well, that's not true. I was really a Gore man, but he wouldn't run. John Edwards was my "heart choice," because he spoke to the issues that I care about and love. He spoke about the poor, and failing schools, and universal health care, and he ran standing side by side with those on the gulf coast, and in America's big cities, and along with the working poor of Apalachia. But, my heart rarely wins elections.
Hillary Clinton is the candidate of my mind. She will kick ass from day one. She was part of the most successful administration in two generations. She saw first hand the mistakes made by an over-reaching President who didn't "have Congress," and she has spent 7 years in the United States Senate learning how to work as one among 535 and how to be an effective agent of change. And in 2008, we need a woman, a bitch you might say. Because, frankly, bitches get things done!
If Tuesday doesn't go the way we need it to, I will gladly vote for and support Barack Obama. But I think he's got a tough road ahead. I don't know if polls 8 months out against John McCain guarentee easy sailing. I mean, in June Hillary was a shoo-in for the Democratic nomination and John McCain's future career was that on the book-writing, lecture-giving circuit. I will be sad because I think the best candidate left will have to return to kicking ass for people of New York.
But... if you want to get on the Hill-bandwagon, it's not too late. My friend Kevin helped me make these awesome Tina inspired shirts:
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