Friday, March 02, 2007

How Sweet It Is!

"The only one I wouldn't support is McCain. I don't agree with him on hardly any issues. I don't think he has the temperament and leadership ability to move the country in the right direction."

-- Former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA), in an interview with
The Politico, on the 2008 Republican presidential field.

I can hear it over and over again, but it'll never be enough: Former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA)! Former Senator. Former Senator Rick Santorum. Former Senator Santorum. It's almost better than if he'd never been a senator at all. Naturally, in the anals (pun intended) of history, someone is going to ask, "How did he become a former senator?" and some brilliant high school history teacher is going to have the pleasure of answering, "By being a giant douchebag. Next question?"

Former Senator Rick Santorum
Former Senator Rick Santorum
Former Senator Rick Santorum
Former Senator Rick Santorum
Former Senator Rick Santorum
Former Senator Rick Santorum
Former Senator Rick Santorum

I just can't hear it enough.

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I am crying with you, girlie!

*Thanks Rafi for the photo suggestion.

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