Thursday, March 27, 2008

I want to be a cowboy...

Like many teenagers, I had bad -- maybe horrible -- taste in music. Some of my favorites were inspired by having older brothers who were teenagers through much of the 80s. The music they liked in college may have dribbled down, a realization Suzanne and I came to a few weeks back when we were celebrating Toad the Wet Sprocket at a Glenn Phillips show only to realize we were the youngest people in the room.

My fascination with 80s sugar-pop, maybe a little new wave, is solely my own fault -- and maybe Suzanne's a little. There were about 4 80s CDs in constant rotation in Vendala, my 1986 Civic that I slaughtered on Magic Mountain Parkway. My copy of our favorite one, featuring the song below, was so horribly worn out because our "CD player" was a boom box that usually had to sit on someone's lap. (I did manage to have a CD player installed in time for Vendala's untimely passing.)

A few weeks ago, Suzanne burned me a copy of that classic 80s hit album so I'd never be without it. And now you can enjoy the video of one of the cheesiest songs ever recorded:

Other classics on the album include Putting on the Ritz, Pop Goes the World, Funkytown (but not the disco version), and Axel F from Beverly Hills Cop.

1 comment:

Street Smarts 4 Kids said...

That's awesome! I didn't know there was a video! I'm inspired. It's time to pop that cd back in the rotation. Good thing Greg's gone! =)