Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

There's someone in Washington (either DC or state) thanking his lucky stars he lost an election back in 1994. Who? This guy:

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Thank the lord, for George Nethercutt. In 1994, Congressman Foley -- Tom Foley -- and Democratic Speaker of the House lost his re-election fight. If he hadn't, there could quite possibly be 2 "Congressman Foleys" in Washington DC, and well, there might be some confusion when you read these headlines about "Congressman Foley":

US congressman Foley: A modern day online Jekyll and Hyde?

Disgraced Congressman Foley was a Moderate "Pro-Choice" and "Pro-Gay Rights" Republican

Local Party Representatives React To Congressman Foley's Resignation

Disgraced Ex-Congressman Foley Caught Logging Online Tuesday While Supposedly in Alcohol Rehab

...and there's plenty more.

So, the lesson: Be careful with your name. So says, Ambassador Tom Foley. (The former congressman who was run out of town by the voters and not a bunch of pissed off male pages...) You wouldn't want to get caught up in that one!

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