Monday, August 13, 2007

I Love My Soap

I really love my soap. Back before I figured out the scabies fiasco, when I just thought I had dry itchy skin, my new friend Rafi suggested I try the soap he uses: Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Soap. He thought it might help because it's all natural and earthy and stuff. Unfortunately, it didn't help with the problem, being that my problem was an infestation of bugs given to me by my skeezy skank of an ex. I did however fall in love with this soap.

It's crazy soap. I mean just read the label and you can tell it's crazy, but it's wonderful none the less. I mean really crazy. Check it out. All-one.

This is the first post in a while. The job change, which I told you about, means I am not sitting at a desk all day. In fact, I rarely sit nowadays at work, unless it's on the floor. The job change was the best move I ever made, but its bound to upset a few blog readers, like Scott who kicked me off his blogroll. Maybe I can re-earn his trust and get added back-on.

For those of you sticking with me, I'm gonna make it a more positive experience. I want to love things. So I'm gonna balance my posting with Love Posts... Take some time to smell the flowers and all that shit. Well, I don't want to smell shit, I think I already know what it smells like. But I do want to smell things, including flowers.


Amy Witry said...

Yeah for positive Brian! I love him!

Raphael said...

Dr. Bronner's makes you tingle in very sensitive areas.

Raphael said...

So that website makes the soapmaker seem almost sane. For the REAL experience, you need to be reading the bottle in the shower, saying "WTF?" while your nether-reaches are burning.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

soon you will be seeing a diddie from the sound of music. First a hippie and now you are going to love things.......the hills are alive with the sound of brian.