Thursday, December 06, 2007

Another victim in the war on Christmas...

Bill O'Reilly and I are getting along again and it's pissing me off. This holiday season, I hope people wish me glad tidings, and I'll typically graciously accept a Happy Holidays.

But when someone is buying a Christmas tree at sunset on the second night of Haunakah, it's probably a safe assumption that you can wish me a Merry Christmas without me getting offended.

I bought our Christmas tree tonight and was wish a Happy Holidays by the two employees I spoke with on my adventure. Really.


Damian said...

Our troops have been bogged down in the War on Christmas for half a decade now, and there is no end in sight. It's time for us to admit that Christmas cannot be enforced through military action. Besides, it is distracting us from the much more important War on Arbor Day.

End War Now! Bring Bill O'Reilly home!

Raphael said...

First you're griping about "happy holidays," next you'll be insisting that they are throwing your people to the lions.