Wednesday, November 30, 2005

American politics SUCKS!

Canadian minority parties oust the ruling Liberal Party. New elections.

Australians called their conservative party the "Liberal Party."

And Ariel Sharon, the former Israeli hardliner calls for new elections and abandons Likud, a party he helped create, because they were just to hardline for him! And Shimon Peres, the Nobel Prize winner and Labor Party stalwart, jumps over to join Sharon because he wants peace that badly!

Imagine. American politics is so far behind. Our electeds--Republicans and Democrats--have no principles or values. I mean, John McCain, the rabid campaign finance reformer is rallying to the side of Soft-Money Rick Santorum in a desperate ploy for McCain to woo the party faithful to his GOP Presidential run in 2008. Sick!

How much are rents in Tel Aviv?

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